
Take Me Out to the Ball Game


This past weekend I got to pass a major milestone in my Daddy career. I took My boy to his first Major League Baseball game. and it was awesome. Now lest I get ahead of myself I’m sure he really didn’t have a clue about what was going on. For him it was two and a half hours of clapping, doing the wave, yelling “Let’s Go Dodgers!”, and eating ice-cream out of a little plastic Dodgers hat. He did get to see someone actually use a baseball bat, and was excited to try his own out the next day.
I don’t if he is going to grow up enjoying sports like I do. Let’s face it in my family I am the only one besides my grandpa who follows teams closely, but it was a lot of fun to get him out there, even if his first MLB game was at Dodger Stadium and not Wrigley Field. It may be too much to hope that I raise Cub Fans especially if we spend a long time down here in Southern California. If nothing else though we can go see the Cubs play the Dodgers, Angels, and Padres if we are feeling adventurous. I did spend two days reinforcing the phrase “Let’s Go Cubbies!” and got both of my boys yelling it on multiple occasions.

I don’t know what it is about the setting of a sports venue that can bring people together. Looking around as I sat there with my boy and my father -in-law, it was fun to notice that there were thousands of people from different walks of life from podunk little old me to Harrison Ford coming together to enjoy a day at the ballpark. Which at the end of the day is what a trip to the ball park is all about… Next Stop Wrigley Field…Let’s Go Cubbies!


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